

        范曾,1938年生,字十翼,别署抱冲斋主,江苏南通人。1955年考入南开大学历史系。1957年转入中央美术学院美术史系,半年后转入中国画系,1962年毕业 。1978年调中央工艺美术学院任教 。1984年调天津南开大学东方艺术系,任系主任 。中国美术家协会会员,擅长中国人物画,兼长诗文、书法 。多幅作品为中外美术机构收藏,并出版有《鲁迅小说插图集》、《范曾画集》、《范曾吟草》、《范曾书画集》、《范曾自述》等 。

        Fan Zeng (Born 1938)
        Born in Jiangsu in 1938, Fan Zeng is famous for his figure painting, poetries and calligraphy. He began his studies in history, literature, painting and calligraphy in his youth. In 1955, he enrolled in the history department of Nankai University in Tianjin, after two years, he switched to the art history department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He further switched to the Chinese paintings department and took lessons from various famous painters including Wu Zuoren (1908-1997), Li Keran (1907-1989), Jiang Zhaohe (1904-1986) and Li Kuchan (1899-1983). In 1979, he represented Rongbaozhai visiting Japan and held joint exhibition with artist Dong Shouping (1904-1997). He held solo exhibitions in major cities of Japan both in 1981, 1987 and 1989. In addition, he participated in various exhibitions in Asia. There is a permanent museum of Fan Zeng built in Japan in 1984. In addition, he has received various prizes in design and painting. He became a Professor of Eastern Art at Nankai University and was nominated the department head in 1993. At age 63, he was elected as the head of the Nankai University Museum of Antiquities and graduate advisor in both fine arts and literature department.

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